If you have been ignoring your man lately then the result is, he isn't  paying too much attention to you He is finally losing all interest in loving you. And while he tried several times to grab your attention in bed, with all his efforts, you kept turning him down with excuses such as, you're not in the mood,you have a headache,and so many other excuses that seem out of place.

What you might not realize now is that  he's growing tired of hearing excuses. Soon it will turn out that he will get the attention you are not giving him elsewhere. He will go for fulfilment in the arms of some other woman and she will be more than ready to welcome him!

Some other woman is out there ready to replenish a whole new world of pleasurable experiences in the right amount and spoon feed it to your man so generously that he will come begging her for more and more of it. He's going to crave  her like she put some magic spell on him.

She's going to keep him busy thinking about her day and night  such that when you are talking to him, it's like you are talking to a complete stranger.  Perhaps  right there and then, he is thinking of  his next encounter in the arms of that strange but  loving woman. Such is the power she will have on him.

But Why?

The one reason that has led most women have their beds empty is the ignorance they frequently put up against their man's needs, Once a man comes into their life and settles down with them, and they are comfortable that he's okay for them, they do not place much attention anymore to what the man needs. They feel like everything is working out fine and so there really is nothing to be bothered about.

This attitude towards their man's need has given most men the idea that their needs will not be met and so if that's the case then, they have no place in the relationship. And once this happens it would mean they have no say in how the relationship will go. Most men after making such evaluations do nothing but leave the relationship and move on with some one else.

 If as a woman your reasons for having this mindset is because you feel too relaxed and confindent about the man you are with or that you know what's best for the relationship, then perhaps it's time to look at the man you are committed to. This man has needs, he wants you his woman to be something that he can turn to, to give him the attention  he wants.

As a man he may be open about it and tell you exactly how he feels or  he may give you some hint as to how he doesn't like what is going on. If you don't take it seriously and do something about it. if you keep thinking in your own way and don't bother to analyze what he is telling you, then some day you will wake up in the middle of the night to see his side of the bed empty.

He will be gone and he won't want to come back to you to make things right. He will move on with his life and some strange woman will be giving him so much satisfaction he will never want to set eyes on you any more.

You can make your bed empty and might want to blame someone else for it. That's because when that time comes,you will see that  no warmth is coming  from the man that used to lay next to you anymore. No hugs and kisses will come your way. You are simply going to roll over from one end of the bed to the other end in search of  a kiss,a hugs, some warmth and even the slightest embrace which then, will be rare comodity .

 When that time comes, your only companion in bed will be the darkness that will surround you, the phone by your bed side that you hope will ring for you to hear his voice and know if he's coming home or not so you could talk things out, and the loneliness  that you will feel for the first time in knowing that you he really meant theworld to you..

If you  have been sleeping over your relationship by ingoring the needs of your man, now is the  time to wake up from that sleep! Perhaps you are relaxed about your man because you are confident he will never go out of his way to betray you. Just remember this though, if he can keep up with your attitude for some time, soon he will let you know that there is a limit to everything!

Get this right,if one man leaves you because of your attitude, the next man to come your way will surely follow in the footsteps of the first man because surely you will make him go through the experience you made the first man go through.In doing this you are going to leave a trail of would-be grooms along the path of your love life who eventually will get that satisfaction from some other woman who is more than willing to give them the attention they need. That is, unless you decide to make a change and learn how best to make and keep your man giving you attention even with your attitude.

When a man loves his woman, he loves her attitude and no matter what she does, he will do anything for her. And your man can do just about anything for you too. But you must learn and  find out why men are willing to do anything for you just to be with you. you must learn what you can do to fulfil their inner most desires and make them fall in love with you such that they never want to set eyes on another woman.

 They want you badly but you've got to play your part in making this happen. They want you and not some strange bed time lover. They want to think of you and only you as the one giving them fulfilment and satisfaction.Now it's time for you to wake and learn something new. Learn how best to

1) Attract and keep you man

2) Always keep the relationship going and many more ways to make the relationship          excitng.Find out how best to make your man stay hooked to you by knowing what your man secretly WANTS!
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